

You can also find my articles on googlescholar and on researchgate.

Technical Report

  1. Son, Yeongrack, Sunil Subedi, Michael Blonsky, and Barry Mather. 2023. Hardware Implementation and Market Impacts of Grid-Supportive Functions in End-Use Loads. Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory. NREL/TP-5D00-85188.


  1. S. Subedi, M. Rauniyar, S. Ishaq, T. M. Hansen, R. Tonkoski, M. Shirazi, R. Wies, and P. Cicilio, “Review of Methods to Accelerate Electromagnetic Transient Simulation of Power Systems,” IEEE Access, vol. 9, 17 pages, June 2021. DOI.10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3090320
  2. S. Subedi, B. Poudel, P. Aslami, R. Fourney, H. M. Rekabdarkolaee, R. Tonkoski, and T. M. Hansen, “Automated Data-Driven Model Extraction and Validation of Inverter Dynamics with Grid Support Functions,” e-Prime-Advances in Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Energy, vol. 6, p. 100365, 2023.
  3. S. Subedi, N. Guruwacharya, B. Poudel, J. D. Vasquez-Plaza, F. Andrade, R. Fourney, H. M. Rekabdarkolaee, T. M. Hansen, and R. Tonkoski, “Leveraging data-driven models for accurate analysis of grid-tied smart inverters dynamics,” arXiv, 2023
  4. S. Subedi, J. D. Vasquez, F. Andrade, R. Fourney, H. M. Rekabdarkolaee, R. Tonkoski, and T. M. Hansen, “Aggregated Dynamic Partition Modeling for Active Distribution Network for Stability Studies”(Under Prep).
  5. B. Poudel, N. Guruwacharya, S. Subedi, H. M. Rekabdarkolaee, R. Tonkoski, and T. M. Hansen, “Effect of Varying Irradiance in Data-Driven Modeling of Photovoltaic Inverter Dynamics,” (Under Preparation)


  1. S. Subedi, M. Blonsky, Y. Son, and B. Mather, “Cost-benefit Analysis of Grid-Supportive Loads for Fast Frequency Response,” in IEEE PES Grid Edge Technologies Conference and Exposition 2023, San Diego, CA, 5 pages, July 2022. 10.1109/GridEdge54130.2023.10102707
  2. S. Subedi, R. Fourney, H. M. Rekabdarkolaee, R. Tonkoski, T. M. Hansen, J. D. Vasquez-Plaza, and F.Andrade, “Impact of PLL design on data-driven models for grid-connected single-phase inverters,” in 2022 International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion (SPEEDAM), 2022, pp. 930–935. DOI.10.1109/SPEEDAM53979.2022.9841972
  3. N. Guruwacharya, H. Bhandari, S. Subedi, J. D. Vasquez-Plaza, M. L.Stoel, U. Tamrakar, F. Wilches-Bernal, F. Andrade, T. M. Hansen, and R. Tonkoski, “Data-driven modeling of commercial photovoltaic inverter dynamics using power hardware-in-the-loop,” in 2022 International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion (SPEEDAM), 2022, pp. 924–929. DOI.10.1109/SPEEDAM53979.2022.9842001
  4. S. Subedi, N. Guruwacharya, R. Fourney, H. M. Rekabdarkolaee, R. Tonkoski, T. M. Hansen, U. Tamrakar, and P. Cicilio,“Computationally Efficient Partitioned Modeling of Inverter Dynamics with Grid Support Functions,” in 47th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON’21), Toronto, ON, 6 pages, Nov. 2021. DOI.10.1109/IECON48115.2021.9589066
  5. M. Rauniyar, S. Berg, S. Subedi, T. M. Hansen, R. Fourney, R. Tonkoski, and U. Tamrakar ,“Evaluation of Probing Signals for Implementing Moving Horizon Inertia Estimation in Microgrids,” in 52nd North American Power Symposium (NAPS’20), Tempe, AZ, 6 pages, June 2021. DOI.10.1109/NAPS50074.2021.9449811
  6. N. Guruwacharya, N. Bhujel, U. Tamrakar, M. Rauniyar, S. Subedi, S. Berg, T. M. Hansen, and R. Tonkoski, “Data-Driven Power Electronic Converter Modeling for Low Inertia Power System Dynamic Studies,” in IEEE Power Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM’20), Montreal, QC, 5 pages, Aug. 2020.DOI.10.1109/PESGM41954.2020.9281783